Questions Every Softball Athlete Should Ask Themselves
1. What are my personal softball goals?
2. Why do I play softball?
3. What are my strengths?
4. How do I best utilize those strengths?
5. What are my weaknesses?
6. What can I do to improve these weaknesses?
7. What makes playing softball enjoyable?
8. What do I not like about playing softball?
9. What can I do to change what I don’t like?
10. How can I be a better teammate?
11. What can I do to be more coachable?
12. How do I show my parents I appreciate their sacrifices?
Questions Every Softball Prospect Should Ask Current Coaches
1. What can I do to be a better player?
2. What can I do to be a better teammate?
3. What role would you like me to perform for the team?
4. How can I help the coaching staff make practices better?
5. How can I help the coaching staff with game preparation?
6. What can I do to demonstrate leadership?
7. What expectations do you have for me?
8. What expectations do you have for the team?
9. What can I do to help reach those expectations?
10. Is there anything you need from me?
Questions Every Softball Recruit Should Ask Potential Coaches
1. What role do you envision for me with your program?
2. How do you see my skill set fitting in with your team?
3. What type of academic support is available?
4. What does a typical day look like for an athlete in your program?
5. What other team commitments are expected?
6. How does travel conflict with academic responsibilities?
7. Is there an opportunity to compete for playing time right away?
8. What is the total financial commitment for my family?
9. Is there an opportunity to be rewarded with future money?
10. When do you expect my decision?
You'll learn skills, meet and learn from college coaches, and prepare yourself for achieving your softball goals through improving and learning about the process!
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