
Terms & Conditions
When you enroll your child in our program, you are reserving space, time, and staffing whether or not your camper attends the program. In order to cancel your reservation, Jerrad Hardin Camps will use the following deadlines for cancellations.
Written Notice Before May 15, 2024:
If received before May 15, 50% of your registration fee will be refunded, or you may accept 100% camp credit.
There are no refunds available for cancellation requests made after May 15, 2024. Registrations submitted after May 15, 2024 are not eligible for a refund.
When a cancellation request is made after May 15, due to a family emergency, injury, or accident, a camp credit for a future camp may be issued. Jerrad Hardin Camps reserves the right to evaluate these requests on an individual basis to determine eligibility.
Camp Credit may not be exchanged for any monetary value.
Covid Impacts
Our plan and agreement with our host sites is to conduct full camp activities on the agreed upon dates. At this time, we have been greenlighted for camp activities but may be subject to future amendments set forth by local, state, and federal policies. In the event a camp is impacted by Covid, Jerrad Hardin Camps may be asked by host authorities to restructure or reschedule our camp. If we are forced to reschedule, camp credit is provided to registrants.
If a staff member, coach, or participant has a positive Covid test or is symptomatic for Covid, the individual shall not be allowed on site and cannot participate in our camps. Anyone suspecting or confirming a Covid infection, should provide written notice to Jerrad Hardin Camps, and a camp credit will be provided.
Coaching staffs may be subject to change based on future NCAA rulings, sickness, or sudden unavailability. No refund or credit will be issued in the event that the coaching staff is amended.
Inclement Weather
If weather impacts our ability to conduct camp activities outside, an indoor or alternative venue may be utilized. The discretion to amend the schedule and change venues is a decision made by the camp coordinator and will be communicated to participants via text alert, email, and through our social media channels. When a suitable alternative venue is unavailable, the camp may be delayed or postponed. If the camp is rescheduled, a full camp credit is issued to registrants for a future date.
Jerrad Hardin Camps do not guarantee that college coaches will recruit participants as a result of attending our camps.
Jerrad Hardin Camps do not guarantee a specific level of skill improvement for athletes attending our camps.
Jerrad Hardin Camps are not responsible for personal property damaged, lost, or stolen during the camp day.
Jerrad Hardin Camps are not responsible for injury, illness, or death of camp participants, staff, coaches, or spectators.
Jerrad Hardin Camps do not operate or represent recruiting services or any claims made by such groups or individuals.
Jerrad Hardin Camps is not responsible for the transportation of athletes to or from our host site.
Jerrad Hardin Camps agrees to provide a camp format as described on our webpage, when absent amendments due to weather or illness. Jerrad Hardin Camps will staff twelve college coaches for each event, and a minimum of twelve coaches will attend, absent an emergency, illness, or unexpected scheduling change on the part of a coach. When given proper notice, we will attempt to fill any coaching vacancy with a similar-level coach as a replacement.
By registering and submitting payment to Jerrad Hardin Camps, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions, including an understanding and agreement to the refund policies, weather amendments, and claims set forth on this page.