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5 Detailed Ways to Improve Hitting

5 Detailed Ways to Improve Your Hitting

1. Physical Preparation

Hitters who can faithfully repeat efficient and reliable swing mechanics with proper recognition and timing will consistently hit better.


A. Understand How You Personally Generate Power in Efficient Ways.

B. Understand How You Personally Find Timing in Useful Ways.

C. Develop Means to Repeat these Mechanics in Applicable Ways against a Moving Ball.


A. Video Analysis

B. Trusted and Proven Hitting Instructor

C. Inherent Understanding of Knowing when it Feels Different.

2. Mental Preparation

Hitters who can remain mentally consistent through the challenges and emotions of failure presented by the difficulty of hitting a ball in competition possess a needed element to reach one’s hitting potential.


A. Meet the Challenges of Hitting with a Positive Competitive Attitude.

B. Maintaining a Next Pitch Approach.

C. Understanding, Accepting and Valuing the Importance of the Mental Aspects of Hitting.


A. Visualization

B. Breathing Techniques

C. Sports Psychologists

3. Strength Training

Hitters who are physically capable and trained to operate at an optimal level maintain an advantage over most hitters by using faster and more powerful movements when swinging the bat.


A. Dedicating One’s Self to Proper Nutritional Habits

B. Sacrificing Time to Implement Strength Training Regiments

C. Knowing Sports Specific Methods and Overall Routines that Maximize Efforts


A. Nutritionist

B. Strength Coach

C. Books & Other Educational Resources

4. Study

Hitters who understand their strengths and weaknesses as a hitter and equally understand their opponent can find an advantage through studying these elements.


A. Knowledge of What To Look For

B. Dedication to a Non-Physical Aspect of Hitting

C. Comparison to Others Who are Excelling


A. Video

B. A Coach Who Knows Your Swing

C. Scouting Reports

5. Reflection

Hitters are willing and able to reflect on current and past experiences are building a database to access for future challenges while hitting.


A. Utilizing a non-biased approach to properly analyzing experiences as a hitter.

B. A willingness to properly identify and catalog key points in an at-bat.

C. Having the ability to correctly adjust to mental and physical challenges.


A. Video

B. A Written Diary of Past Experiences

C. Accepting Constructive Feedback from Trustful Voices


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